Question: What is a welding cart?
Question: Wait, why did you make that? where are you? is that at home? or a work shop?
Question: Did you come across any problems?
Question: What did you cut it off with?
Question: Looks like there's some stripes on there? did it come like that? or did you paint that?
Eli: Yea I had to paint it, but first I had to tape it then sand it cause you can't paint the whole thing.
Question: Well what did you paint it with?
Question: So did you have a paint booth to spray it or did you free spray it?
Question: How did you make the filter?
Eli: I had a box that wasn't being used and glued it to the box. Then I made a whole into the box and inserted the hose so it can pull out the dust particles.
Good job kid....Looks good